
Panmure Bridge Childcare Centre knows our purpose is to glorify Jesus Christ and know that Jesus loves us. Through the sharing of God’s word and by example, we will nurture children to have a love for Jesus Christ, to help prepare them for life and to develop a passion for loving one another, in order to reach their God given potential and purposes.

We value the involvement of children’s whānau and community,to build and support genuine relationships, to empower each other to be the best we can be. The Centre’s purpose is to be salt and light in the community (Matthew 5:13-16) by making a positive influence in the lives of those we come into contact with.

The early years is the foundation for lifelong learning. Our responsibility is to provide an environment that promotes learning through play and meaningful relationships. This aligns with Te Whāriki’s vision as “competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.” (Te Whāriki, pg5) Therefore, we endeavourto create an environment which fosters curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, social competency, emotional resilience, self help skills and a strong identity in Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement

To providea quality and meaningful Christian based early childhood education that is affordable for our community.

Vision Statement

Nurturing Children to have a heart for Jesus Christ and to prepare them for life and a love of learning.


  1. Christ Centred. Having a meaningful relationship and a heart for Jesus Christ isthe key tonurturethe spiritual development of the child.We use the Word of God to help children to unpack the world around them. Learning and applying the truth of the Word of God intheir daily lives is the foundation ofbuilding children’s character, strengthsand capabilities.
  2. People Matter. We believe that each person involved in Panmure Bridge Childcare Centre has a God given purpose in their role at the Centre. We value and treat all children, families and members of the wider community with respect and acknowledge uniqueness and potential in each individual.We respect and encourage each child’s language, culture, identity, interests and strengths.We recognize Māori as Tangata Whenua, their unique place in New Zealand culture, to honour their history, language, culture and identity.We strive to work as partners to enhance positive learning outcomes for our tamariki and whānau.
  3. Love of Learning. We believe that the love of learning is critically important from birth toadulthood. This is accomplished by developing courage and curiosity, trust and a sense of fun, perseverance, confidence and responsibility.It is important to providea learning environment that motivates children and adult to learn and to be an ongoing learners.Learning through play is the best way for children to explore and make sense of things around them.We recognise meaningful teaching & learning experiences are reciprocal (ako) between children,teachers & whānau. It is an adventure that includes experimentation, resilience to failure and having fun along the way.